磁選機 棒磁石 リフマグ マグハンマ 選別機 マグネット応用機器の設計・製造・開発メーカー NMI 日本マグネティックス株式会社


1. Wide selection from Ultra high magnetic force( 15,000, 14,000), High magnetic force(12,000), Standard(10,000), Heat resistance(10,000), Ferrite(φ25、φ32).
2. Pipe Material: SUS304, SUS316L, Titanium
3. Tap end and thread fabrication can be arranged. Standard tap M6, M8(depth 12mm).
※Custom design can be arranged. ※non-standard tap is also possible .

Stainless can be attracted by magnet?

Food processing factories require stainless steel for almost all production lines, so the metal contaminants are changing to stainless materials. Nonmagnetic austenite family, SUS304 or 316L can be attracted by magnet if shock (cutting, shredding, twisting, grinding, pressing, buffing and polishing), welding and rubbing are applied. Deformation will cause magnetic attraction.

棒磁石(Bar Magnet)
※※ 15,000 gauss is the nominal value.

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