Product Information
Drum type permanent magnet
Electromagnet Drum Separator Model: EDS
Electro Magnetic Separator
Magnet Filter
Electro Parmanent
Tube Magnet
Grate Magnet
Magnet Strainer
Plate Magnet
Magnetic Pulley
Drum Separator
Suspended Separator
Eddy Current Separator
Lifting Magnet
Eddy Current Separator System
Can Separator
Electrostatic Corona Separator
Other Machine
Electromagnet Drum Separator Model: EDS
Wide range of application from resource recycling, woods, steel, ceramic, chemical and foods.
1. Iron separation from bulky waste crushing or shredder line.
2. Usable for pick-up recovery.
3. Model EDSP avai lable with permanent magnet.
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Nippon Magnetics, Inc.
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